Saturday, December 5, 2020

TO HOLLY, and anyone from the CAREER EDUCATION CENTER.....

I'm still looking for information on the ROP GRAPHIC & COMMERCIAL ART class of 1981 - instructor Walt Metcalf.

I also want info on the history of ROP.


1 - When did ROP begin at the Camarillo Airport campus?

2 - When did one - or more - of the original classrooms burn down?

3 - When did the original ROP campus get demolished?

4 - When did the NEW campus open?

5 - When did they change the name from ROP to CAREER EDUCATION CENTER?

I found one of my classmates on INSTAGRAM - and a few other websites. That made me happy. However, she never responded to any of my messages. She won't even acknowledge my existence. Just for the record, I never did anything bad to her.

I also found a second classmate - seventy percent certain. But, I've ruled out trying to contact her via LINKEDIN. That website is NOT a social network. So, I don't know what to do next.

Holly Callero, I hope you find this blog. You were one of the sweetest persons, I've ever met. I wanted to apologize to you, for some stupid things I said.

I also wanted to explain what prompted me to behave like an idiot. I never got a chance to do that, because you and Terry/Terri never attended the last day of class. I know it was a trivial incident, so you probably don't remember or care, but I do. I can count the number of times I've been intentionally mean to someone, on one hand.

Holly Callero, if you're reading this, please contact me via this blog or my INSTAGRAM page.

Above, our last class assignment. We had to design a poster for the 1981 Ventura County Career Expo. This was my lame entry. One of my classmates had their design turned into the official poster. The winning design was beautiful, and well-thought-out. That person was truly talented, and deserved to win... My ROP I.D. is also pictured.

I can't find my other classmates. I feel disappointed.

I also want to find the CLASS PHOTO that Walt took. At this point, I'd settle for online yearbook photos of all my classmates.

Above is one of my ROP report cards... Yes, I still have them.

I don't know my way around most social networks, and I do not want to be part of them. That makes finding people more difficult.


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